Price list of accommodation / rent

Minimum length of accommodation - 2 nights.

Feature Media

Price for apartment per night:

Winter season: 3000 CZK
Summer season: 3000 CZK
Out of season: 3000 CZK

Feature Media

Price for apartment with garden view:

Winter season: 3000 CZK
Summer season: 3000 CZK
Out of season: 3000 CZK

Cleaning fee: 500 CZK

It is good to know:

Arrival time: 14: 00-15: 00 
Departure time: 8: 00-10: 00
Cancellation of reservation / prepayment: Cancellation and prepayment conditions may vary for each apartment type. 
Feel free to contact us!

Malá Skála
Price list of accommodation / rent

Minimum length of accommodation - 2 nights.

Minimální délka ubytování v letní a zimní sezóně - 5 nocí.

Feature Media

Price for apartment per night:

Winter season: 3000 CZK
Summer season: 3000 CZK
Out of season: 3000 CZK

Feature Media

Price for apartment with garden view:

Winter season: 6000 CZK
Summer season: 6000 CZK
Out of season: 6000 CZK

Cleaning fee: 1000 CZK

Kontakt na pronajímatele nebo provozovatele chaty

Telefon: 602 877 767 | 606 234 707.